So I was lookin' forwards ta "Da Dark Knight". I enjoyed "Batman Begins" except for dat wooden Scientology baby vessel of da increasingly weird Tom Cruise. It playeds it well, wot wif da nods to "Da Shadow" an' some tidy plots wif da scarecrow as well as Rhas Al Ghul.
So I was expectin' good fings from da sequel an' to be fairs I weren't disappointed too much. Now onto da SPOILER ALERT BIT.
Da Dark Knight as ye mays already knows features Da Joker. Now da Joker is one of da most interestin' villains in comics. Like Bats, 'e don'ts have any superpowers, just his own deranged ingenuity an' an obsidian sense o' humour. Tha main point of dis movie isn't hims, it's Harvey Dent. Batman realises his style of Fascistic Authoritarianism (hah who saids I can't do big words?) while effective, has no real place in a liberal democracy (which is da biggest bit o' fiction in da movie, dat da Yahwehsay is free an' liberal) an' so he turns ta Dent ta take up his mantle as a figure dat people can be prouds of, wifout bein' suspicious of. Da Joker on da udder hand, well he wants Harvey to be an agent of chaos an' so da two nutcases goes about groomin' Harvs tryin' ta push dem onto dere sides.
Obviously it's gots dat subtextual fing about da war on terror goin' ons, since dem Yahwehsaryans can'ts get by some stoopid planes flyin' inta buildin's but it's also gots some really nice set pieces.
Da Bank Job at da beginnin' o da movie is stupendously good. Possibly one of da most memorable criminal type crime scenes in recent memory but don't let da quality of it lull ye inta a false sense o' security. Dere is a lot wrong wif Da Dark Knight, not least of all Heath Ledger's lauded Joker.
To be fair, he is great. He plays da part really well, he looks creepy and disturbed an' acts da socks off da part, but da problem I has is dat despite his talent and despite it all lookin' so perfect it lacks what makes da Joker a great villain. As he says several times an' I has ta ask myself "Why so serious?" Here is da problem wif dis version of da Joker, he is less utterly demented psychopath with a penchant for da bizarre and more a smart connivin' odd lookin' terrorist. I don't want a Joker usin' C4 in a hospital, I wanna Joker usin' his toxic laughin' gas. I don't wanna see a Youtube style terrorist Video. I wanna see him on Saturday Night Live blowin' da brains outta terrified audience members dat don't laff at his jokes!!!!
Dat he doesn't, dat he is so serious, kind of misses da point. Can't blame Death Hedger for it, he was only workin' wif da material he hads.
Dere in lies da problem. Da overt an simplistic dualism of da extreme positions of both Bats and da Joker is played nicely but dere is some scenes dat are just aweful.
Like when Harvey finds out dat Donnie Darko's sister (Maggie Gyllenhaal) has been blown up and cries "RRAAAAYCHULLL RAAAAAAAAYCHULLL". Dat was unintentional comedy gold.
Like when for some tenuous reason Bats goes to Hong Kong.
Like da final set piece where da Joker uses da Prisoners Gambit on two ships (a crime really dat was much more likely to come from Two-Face Dent to be honest.)
Don't get's me wrong dere is a lot to enjoy here, it's just ropey in bits. I'd say perhaps Heath Deadger could have mades a better job in da next one but well dat ain't likely due to his gettin' killed.
For dose of ye who is interested in da details of his death click here for a recreation
Da Dark Knight. Six Fumbs up outta Ten.
NEXT Reviews.
KM 31. Collosus. Da Forbin Report and Race Wif Da Devil. comin' soons.
Tuesday, September 16
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