Left 4 Dead is a games dat I has been playin' lots n lots n lots since Exmas. It's a survival horror game where ye an' 4 other players has to weave yer way through a landscape of hordes of infected zombies wif limited ammo an healf. Sounds simple, is simple, but is also da mosty enjoyable fing I've played in a long long time cos dese zombs is fast, violent and multitudinous and when dey swarms on ye, ye had best be prepared for a gruelling fights or be killed. Dey jump, climb over fings, break down doors , just so dey can bite punch and kick ye ta deaf, if ye is not careful. Course dey has dere own special superpowered weirdo infected just to make fings worse. Dere is a fat dude who vomits on ye makin' it hard to see, but da vomit also acts like a murder pheremone so ye specifically is target by da swarms of grey deadlin's. Dere is da hunter who can pounce from heights and great distances an' land on ye an start tryin' ta feast on yer skin, da smoker who shoots out a long prehensile innards tongue type fing to strangle ye an pull ye away from da group, dere is da tank, who is like a WWE wrestler on PCP an uber-steroids who just tears inta da lots of ye, rippin up bits of road and chuckin' cars at ye, and den dere is da witch, who is easily disturbed an' will tear ye apart if ye don'ts sneak by her or blow here brains out real quick.
It is intense, hectic fun an' even after 3 months of simple gamin' I is still addicted..
On dat note here is a sneaky preview of a new hypocrypha story dat I'm makin' da Webster do after Canto 5. Enjoys.