At the Beginning of March I made the decision to change the nibs I was using from a nice big flexible Gillot 32 nib to a tiny rigid Hunt 102 nib. The difference between the two is quite remarkable. The Gillot nibs I'd been using for so long that I found it difficult at first to approach a page with the Hunt and I must have lost about 3 pages of pencilled work testing them out and failing. However I liked the lines that were coming out and perservered (which is why there has been a continuation of the lack of updates) I thought it was important to change though but at first I was supplimenting my Gillots with the Hunts for a bit of cross hatching, which at times were too fine and at the reduction of the page onto the screen looked a bit blurred. However Today sees the first attempt at using the Hunt itself and if I say so myself I really like the result, though it might not be apparent at first subtle things like the shading on the Soldiers helmet or the rim of Audley's shorts or the varied light from the fire against the duckboards would have been all but impossible using the gillot. Also because the lines are much thinner and my confidence is building with the Hunt, I find that I am getting my pages done (well at least the Audley pages, the Mania stuff takes a bit longer because I'm still getting used to drawing her and Chor and the rest) a bit quicker. In fact I already have Tomorrows done.
So with any luck, if I can drag everyone away from playing the phenomenal Left 4 Dead, I should get back to 5 pages a week.
I appreciate those who have stuck with my slackadozical (as Aud would say) output of late and hope you are enjoying Black Noise as much as I am, especially since the last two cantos were very different from what went before. Trust me folks, everything will all make sense before this canto is over, even if it does seem sometimes like it's all over the place. Those who know me know that's how I flow.
Precision Tools (By Da Webster).
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