Dis week Da Webster has been on some weirdy sleepin' routines an' I's been playin' far far too much Left 4 Deads so we never gots much works done. Bah!
Still while da doofus is snoozin' it ups I has just stolen his lil walkman an so I'm gonna tell ye wot he's been listenin' to of lates.
First up, Cruisin' wif Rueben and Da Jets. It's a Frank Zappa album from 1968 an' is basically kind of Do-wop. However it's much more dan dat, most of da songs is reworked versions of tracks from Freak Out but dat don'ts detract from da fact dat it is pretty damn good. Me particular favourites are da excellent version of "You didn't try to Call Me" which changes time half way in an' has dis brilliant twangy guitar fing on da go. Also No No No, which is as catchy as ebola and much more funs.
Den he's gots Animal Collective's new album Merriweafer Post Pavillion. I'd never heard of dese guys, buts I'm informed de've been abouts for years and dere earlier stuff is... yak yak yak yak. Berst way to describe it is like Techno alien Beach Boys. Hit an miss, most of da songs go on just a bit too long but dere is some brilliant pop tunes on here like da psychedelicy opener "In Da Flowers" and "Summertime Clothes" and da last track "Sports Brudder" is worf da price of da album itself.
After dis is a looooong yak by Da Emperor's New Fool, Noam Chomsky. Called Hegemony Or Survival. I'm not listenin' to dat! Wot I heard was like George Carlin or Bill Hicks wifout da laffs.
Den dere is me favourite. Serge Gainsbourg's Histoire De Melody Nelson. A concept prog rock type fing in which Dirty Serge knocks down in his Rolls Royce da eponymous 15 year old heroine, sees her panties, gets all aroused, wanders round Paris in a state of mad horniness until eventually he starts bangin' on da doors of brofels an' finally gets da chance to diddle her brains outs before she ends up in a plane crash an' dies and he starts wishin' for some mystical cargo cult magic to make anudder plane crash near him to bring her back to him.
Certainly better plot dan Pink Floyd's moanarama Da Wall or Marsh Vaulter's stoopid heebyweegee board rubbish. Part rock part croonin' part lush orchestral arrangements and freeform Jazz (sometimes all in da one song) dis has got to dirty Serge's high point.
Next is Songs of Ships an' Irons by Da Greatest Band in da Wurld (Bernard da Happy Parrot is da Greatest singer Songwriter just in case ye finks I's gone off da Beaky wonder) Cardiacs. Every track on dis album is a platimum covered diamond an' if ye don'ts own and luv everyfin' dey does, den ye needs ta take yer ears back to wotever cheap second hand frift store bins yer parents raided an' replace dem. Seriously.
No... Seriously.
Den is Nick Cave an Da Bad Seeds, Dig Lazarus Dig. A collection of great songs wacky lyrics but not much more ta say on dat.
Finally he's gots Bitches Brew, by Miles Davis which is like da evil mary weed. You gets right into it while yer listenin' but afterwards you can't remeber much 'bouts it. I know dat Jazz is much maligned dese days, probably cos like everyfin' else 90% of it is shit, but dis is Jazz at da top of it's game. (Well if we dismiss Sun Ra dat is)
Right I's off ta kill zombies!
Oh yeaaaaaah.....
One more fing. Some peoples has been askin' me "oh Audley you got's X-Box... wots yer gamer tag?"
It's Audley Strange! Wot else? Ye finks i'm gonna call meself somefin dat sounds like a bad all girl 80's Goff metal combo from Denmark?
If any of ye is up for some Left 4 dead violence hit me up. However...
No childrens. No whiners. No Hard-on sociopaf shut ins who don't realise dat it's meants to be funs (really reducin' da chances of gettin' anyone new to play wif aint I? Heheheehhe) I will has no problem wif tellin' ye ta fug off. An don't asks if I play Call Of Duty or any udder Patriotic Proapaganda Murder sims, I don'ts. Left 4 Dead an' only Left 4 Dead.
You gets me?
Now Gets Lost.
Lotsa stuffs.
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