Hi folks. Black Noise is coming to an end this week with several cliffhangers. The Second Part of "Throwing Pennies at the Damned" is already partly written and is called "Abyss Road", but this won't be starting until at least August, for several reasons. The first one is, I'm knackered and really need a break, I've been doing this all myself now for quite a while while trying to juggle a real life (yes I do have one) trying to re-orient myself to society rather than being a comfortable hermit as well as working on other projects, trying to motivate others, and fighting with the usual "what the fuck am I doing?!" doubts, since I get hardly any feedback, though those who have, it is always appreciated, so thanks to Mark, Sam, Dan, Shelly, Sandy, Bella and the few others who have let me know what they think. I know there are a bunch of you out there who are just silently reading and they say no news is good news, but do feel free to pipe up.
Secondly. I want to try a couple of experimental pieces. The first of which is "Yesterday Next" which is a kind of love story, but I don't want to give too much away just yet. After that will be, as promised "Undeadageddon" which is a hypocryphal story in which Audley and BLZ turn up here in Glasgow after a full blown zombie outbreak. With this I'm going to be trying a different method. Full colour for a start but also I'm going to try and draw it on a tablet rather than with pen and ink.
Also, I have received some encouragement from Lord Choronozon, who has convinced the Sorority to sponsor my site so there will be some minor site changes soon to fit in some stuff from Black Temple Press (some of you may have already noticed the favicon which happens to be one of those ladies glyphs and the Black Temple Press Logo). Also Audley has kindly moaned enough about me polluting her blog to allow me my own space within the site, which according to her will be called "Webster Corner o' Rubbish"
Anyway me and my good lady are off to the ends of the Earth next week to to get away from the intensity of the Apocalypse for a couple of weeks. Hopefully we'll come back recharged and refreshed and not to find the western world a burning wasteland full of obese tribes trying to eat each other and chanting to god to bring back their soap operas and foolball matches while the ashes of an invalid currency and cover everything like snow. With any luck some of the idiots out there will work out that the banks were not nationalised in some Marxist throwback, but the nations became assets of the banks, The governments did not take control of the banks, the bankers took control of the governments. Perhaps I'll come back to both groups swinging by their corrupt necks from lamposts from Plymouth to Aberdeen while the citizenry have seized both the means of production and communication with the help of the Winsors and the Military.
Somehow though, I doubt it.
Note from Da Webster.
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