Ah January. Da longest an' dullest monf o' da year. When Lag! is at his strongest an' tries ta grab ye wif his tendrils back to da previous year before finally quittin' sometime aroun' Burns Night (contrary to wot I assumed, Burns Night is in January an' named after an an incoherent drunk who rambled on about diddlin' roses an' mice bein' dumb an' witches an' stuff an is not a more accurate name for Guy Fawkes Night, when filthy peasant children practically incinerates demselves wif explosives.)
So nuffin' much ta report. Da Webster is under some big stress dough. He's recently upgraded his computy system as requested by Soror Apnoea, who is overseein' da upcomin' changes to da website since Da Black Temple will be our new sponsors. (Mainly cos of President Evil forcin' da previous Sponsors to wifdraw after he declared me Terrorist and Anti-Demon Zero.) So dis along wif da January bloos is wots made hims a bit tardy wif da pages. Still four pages a week is better dan nuffin' I's sure ye'll agree.
I wish I had more ta tells ye but mostly I's been stuffin' me fat face wif lots of Cakes, fartin' an' sleepin' a lot. When I comes out of hibernation properly I'll gets back to reviewin' stuff.
Happy Ten Past Eights!
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